Annual Hospital Supply Donations

We envision a world where underdeveloped communities in The Gambia have the opportunity for a better quality of life thriving generation after generation. We focus on the underdeveloped communities in rural areas who have the greatest need, and find ways in which we can do the most good. That is the Jileng Kunda Project Promise, and everyday we work towards fulfilling that promise. 

We kicked off 2021 with our Annual Hospital Supply drive, providing essential supplies to Essau District Hospital and Fass Njaga Choi Clinic. Supplies included, gloves, masks, first aid supplies, cleaning supplies, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, ferosul, rubbing alcohol etc. Essau District Hospital has been in a severely poor state leading up to a renovation by the Ministry of Health in 2020. It has been struggling to refer patients to The Edwards Francis Small Hospital in the capital Banjul, which is complicated by the unreliable ferry crossing service.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”

- Dalai Lama

Hospital supply drives is partly what inspired the inception of JKP. Years before the foundation was created our family has provided supplies annually to hospitals and clinics in rural communities in the Gambia. Equitable access to medical products and their scientifically sound and cost-effective use is an essential part of a well-functioning healthcare system. As such, our Healthy Communities Program helps hospitals and clinics in underdeveloped communities with critical hospital supplies needed to provide basic services to patients.

There is a healthy demand for healthcare services in The Gambia, and needs include the acquisition of medical equipment and supplies. However, financing remains a major challenge. In addition, The Gambia has no domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and does not produce active pharmaceutical ingredients or manufacture drugs. Without a manufacturing base, the country is completely reliant on foreign companies to supply the entire volume of the diverse set of medical supplies and products needed.

We understand how poor health and lack of access to proper healthcare detrimentally affects underdeveloped communities in The Gambia, therefore our Healthy Communities Program is designed to provide support and resources to these communities. Thanks to our Angel Tribe we continue to support communities that are vulnerable to healthcare insecurities.

To read the story on The Point Newspaper about the Essau District Hospital Supply Donation click here

If you would like to learn more about our Angel Tribe and how you can support our Healthy Communities Program click here


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